Tax Calculator

Sri Lanka Tax Calculator: Calculate PAYE, APIT, and Income Tax

Confused about the new tax regulations? You don’t have to be anymore! Instead, use our Tax Calculator to generate your Income Tax in Sri Lanka.
Note: This calculator is applicable based on the latest tax rules starting from January 2024 onwards.




Tax on Monthly Income

Use this calculator to figure out how much tax you have to pay on your monthly salary

*This tax will only apply to you if your monthly income from
employment is above Rs 100,000.

What is your monthly income from employment?

Your monthly income is any cash and noncash benefits you earn from your employment. This can include your salary + any benefits.


Here’s how much tax you have to pay on your monthly income from employment

How does the Simplebooks APIT / PAYE Tax Calculator Work?

1. Answer a few simple questions

All you have to do is answer a few important questions. Your answers will help us understand exactly how much tax you need to pay, so make sure they’re accurate and up-to-date.

2. Find out how much tax you have to pay

With the information you give us, our tax calculator will tell you exactly how much Income tax you have to pay in Sri Lanka.

Why choose the Simplebooks Tax Calculator?
  • Accurate and Up-to-Date: Our Sri Lanka tax calculator is always updated with the latest tax regulations.
  • Easy to Use: Our salary tax calculator and PAYE calculator are designed for simplicity.
  • comprehensive: We offer a range of tax calculators for Sri Lanka to meet your needs.
  • Reliable: Simplebooks is a trusted source for financial tools in Sri Lanka.

Note: Previously known as the PAYE calculator, this tool has been updated to reflect the latest government regulations and is now the APIT (Advanced Personal Income Tax) calculator. Some refer to it as a salary calculator. No matter what you call it, rest assured our calculator provides accurate tax figures based on the most recent Sri Lankan tax laws.