Sep Sun 2018

Team Simplebooks

Right products , Right time ,Right price – Sales agreement

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What is a sales agreement?

The buying and selling of goods is the foundation of a large percentage of the business. This can be between individuals, small businesses, corporations, and countries.

The success or failure of a business depends upon purchasing products at the right time of year at the right price. This maximizes the profits.

Many companies rely on being able to forecast when their heaviest sales periods will be. And being aware of supply to meet their customers’ demand is vital to their profit margins.

Companies ensure that they will have either enough product on hand to sell. Also, they ensure if enough goods available. A sales agreement aids to buy goods at the right time for the right price.

A Guarantee for the Buyer

The sale of goods agreement is a legal contract. It stipulates an item or items to be sold at a predetermined time and at a predetermined price.
Sales agreement protects sellers and buyers throughout the terms of the business transaction. Once a sale of goods agreement has been entered into, it guarantees that the seller will provide a specific amount of goods at a specific time and price to the buyer.

This protects the buyer’s interests. It guarantees that they will be able to buy the specific products they need to operate their business at a guaranteed price. this won’t have effect on market pricing fluctuations. The sale of goods agreement also includes stipulations that guarantee remedies to the buyer. This is when the seller breach the terms of the agreement. This is by not providing the listed products in the promised time frame.

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Protection for the Seller

The sale of goods agreement also serves to protect the interests of the seller. This is by guaranteeing that the buyer is committing to the sale of a certain amount of products at a certain time for a specific price.
This protects the seller from having a buyer back out of a promise to buy goods that the seller has already committed capital to produce.
The sale of goods agreement provides a method for businesses to pre-plan sales. Also purchasing forecasts while also having the security of a contractual obligation that these forecasted numbers will meet.

Would you like us to draft a loan agreement for you? or have any questions regarding loan agreements? Please feel free contact us.

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